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Specialty Graphite
Flexible Graphite
Advanced Carbon
Specialty Graphite Recovery Graphite (RG series) RG series graphite materials are produced with artificial graphite and natural graphite, called Recovery Graphite that does not need to be graphitized. These series graphite materials have good mechanical properties, with low specific resistance and [more]
Spectrographic Pure Graphite (SPG series) SPG series graphite materials are a kind of Isopressing Graphite. However, these series graphite materials have been further purified, and they have a property of low impurities. Due to this prominent property, they are suitable to be used in applications of [more]
Vibration Molded Graphite (VMG series) VMG series medium grain graphite materials have an exceptionally homogeneous structure, almost isotropic properties and low ash content. They can be manufactured in large sizes. Further processing, for example impregnation is [more]
Extruded Graphite (EG series) EG series graphite materials are available as rods and blocks, with relatively fine grain size, and have good mechanical, electrical and thermal properties, with low ash content. A preferential grain orientation is their prominent property. Density [more]
Molded Graphite (MG series) Molded graphite materials with fine grain size have a high anisotropy. These materials offer an extremely wide property profile with regard to mechanical strength, friction and conductivity, which can be even further enhanced by impregnation with [more]
Isostatically Molded Graphite (IMG series) IMG series graphite materials are produced by the method of Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP). The CIP method involves transmitting a pressure with a liquid; in other words, it is a method of applying Pascal¨s law to powder molding. When powder [more]